Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Feisty Old Man

I looked up from the funny novel I was reading to see who was raising his voice to the bus driver and saw this feisty old man at the back bus door. He was complaining that the driver didn't stop at his spot after Seven Mile Road. The driver told him he'd have to pull the signal earlier if he wanted to get off at Seven Mile because he was past it. He insisted that there was a closer stop to where he now was and advised the driver that he should tell SMART to make a stop closer. What the older man didn't realize was that he was stopping at the next stop after Seven Mile. The driver told the older man that the City of Detroit was responsible for the drop off locations in the city. The old man exited still agitated at the driver. I even heard one of the passengers at the rear of the bus confirm that it was indeed the next stop after Seven Mile. The poor old guy probably had farther to walk than he anticipated.
bus rides = entertainment.

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