Saturday, July 24, 2010

Two Cute Girls & Voting

Thursday night, July 15th, I went to the back of the bus and to my surprise there were two girls one was three and one four years old. They were both quite pleasant. I asked M. if they belonged to her but she said their mother was at the front of the bus. They were playing with some bus tickets and trying to give them away as if they were going to perform a card trick. I took one and gave it to the other girl at which point I was promptly scolded and told, "that's my ticket". What do I know. Then the fun part came up. "Smell my feet" they both said and I promptly said nope to which they laughed and would continue to do so for a while. I explained that young ladies should keep their legs down and their dresses down but that didn't matter. I heard the mother at the front of the bus yell to the girls to put their feet down to which they obeyed. M. made a comment to the younger girl that she liked her sandals and the older girl said that they were hers and wanted to trade footwear with the girl. We tried to figure out if they were sisters but I didn't think that they were. Then a while later the older girl was saying that her feet hurt and that she wanted a bandage for her sore. Sure enough she had a raw spot at the back of her heel where the shoe rubs. I thought I had a Band-Aid in my bag but S. beat me to it and we put it on her. Now the younger girl said her had a sore foot and wanted a bandage so M. proceeded to put it on her. Monkey see, monkey do I guess. It was an entirely enjoyable ride.
One of the other regular riders asked if we were all going to vote in August because the Macomb County Commissioners wants to opt out of SMART bus service for Macomb. I told her that I was indeed going to vote. She also said we should contact our commissioners to let them know that it is a vital service and to not vote to opt out of the service. I really don't know where some of the commissioners come up with these harebrained ideas. This is a vital service for all of Macomb County and if they vote to take it away they are once again screwing the little guy. If in fact they feel that it needs to be overhauled in any way they should get involved with SMART to figure it out. Isn't that why we have elected officials to solve problems and not create problems.
Bus rides = entertainment

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