Thursday, July 31, 2014


Waiting for the bus and who do I see across the street? Elvis!
Bus rides equal entertainment.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Wet seat

It was quite the uncomfortale ride home this afternoon due to a leaky bus. The rain had passed through earlier so I wasn't even thinking things may be wet. The second I sat in my seat at the rear end of the bus I got soaked to the skin. All the way home in the dry seat in wet clothes was uncomfortable. I did have a little of empathy from a co-rider who did the same thing. You could see water in the light fixtures sloshing around and a slow drip coming from the speakers. That bus needs to be sealed up.
Bus rides equal entertainment.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Bus Stop Posting

Standing in the bus stop tonight I noticed a strange posting taped to the wall but it made no sense to me.
A fellow rider suggested it might be a rap but it didn't seem like one. It was more like random thoughts.
Bus rides / entertainment.