Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Case of the Clippers and the Zoo...

The Gratiot bus pulled up at Macomb Mall right on time this morning, and when the doors opened, I seriously thought twice about boarding. Coming from the bus was a cacophony of noise. I reluctantly stepped in, swiped my card, and looked at the driver. "Quite the zoo today!" I said. He smiled and shook his head. "Sure is!"

I weaved my way through the mass of yelling, crying, screaming, you name it children towards the back to find a seat. It was quite amusing watching the mom's trying to keep their children corralled.

Shortly after, I hear a distinctive "clip, clip, clip" sound. I look across from me, and hear is this guy clipping his nasty, dirty fingernails. And some of the parings are flying my way!! I gave him my best owlish, "Are you kidding me?" look, which phased him not at all. I resolved to have words with him if any landed on me, but lucky for him (or more likely, me) none did. He finally moved closer up front and resumed clipping. I wondered how much he had to go when he finally rang the bell. Quite the ride!

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