Saturday, December 11, 2010

Slightly Offended

I caught an earlier ride home the other afternoon and for the most part it was the usual ride home up Gratiot. We stopped at 7 Mile to pick up the typical large crowd and this young couple proceeded to find a seat. They paused near the rear door where I was sitting near the window. The young man asked me if I would mind moving to the seat in front of me where a large man was sitting so he could sit with his fiancee. I was put off by this suggestion for several reasons. 1. I was in a not-feeling-well mood. 2. Why was I always the person random strangers picked? 3. He would be spending the rest of his life with his fiance and could spare a few minutes not sitting next to her. 4. Why didn't he ask the man in the seat in front of me to move back to my seat? I chose to be snotty. I rose from my seat while saying, "I'm sure you'd appreciate it" and proceeded to stand at the front of the bus. Well, he realized he was being a tad rude and said, "Aw, come on don't be like that, sit here". I chose to ignore him. I only had a mile or so to go before my stop anyway. I should have been more understanding and less snotty but we can't reverse time and fix what we chose to do at the moment. If this ever happens again maybe I'll be more kind hearted.
bus rides = entertainment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"If this ever happens again maybe I'll be more kind hearted." Only when you choose to be. "Maybe" won't cut it.