Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mornings riding into Detroit are usually quiet but this day was the exception. I kept hearing a noise that I thought was associated with the bus. It sounded like it maybe a drive shaft that needed to be greased or something. After several stops were made to drop off some passengers I happened to look to my right and noticed a rather large man sleeping. I didn't think anything of it because you will find folks sleeping on the bus all the time anytime of day. I think these people are products of their parents attempt to lull them to sleep by the sound and movement of a vehicle - but I digress. I did keep hearing the the mysterious "mechanical" sound however. I did look back to the large man and realized in an 'aha' moment that this large man was the cause of the mysterious sound because he was snoring. I started to immediately smile and quietly chuckle at my sudden realization. A few people near me smiled for they too knew that the large man was snoring away on a quiet morning commute.
bus rides = entertainment.

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