Friday, October 23, 2009

Bombarded With Noise

Last evening on the way home I was bombarded by a young man's electronic device. I turned around and asked nicely if he could turn it down and his reply was, "If I turn it down I won't be able to hear it." He didn't turn it down so I stopped trying to trudge through my magazine article and turned around to watch what we were all subjected to. I stated that since I had to hear I may as well watch. A fellow regular rider asked what I was watching and the young man responded, "ESPN." I didn't stay turned around for long. All I could think of was that young man needs to invest in some ear buds and to learn when someone is being sarcastic. I know it's not allowed on the bus but I was willing to cut him so slack but alas he didn't compromise. Very intrusive. This morning a regular rider caught my attention as I was folding my umbrella and said she liked my handling of the situation and was thankful that I said something. if more people would say something I wouldn't feel like the bad ass all the time. Oh well.
bus rides = entertainment

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