Thursday, August 6, 2009

SMART Needs To Be Renamed

Sometimes I feel SMART needs to be renamed because they do stupid things. As a service entity they should put the passenger/customer 1st but they do not. The bus was quite late this morning due to it being a bus that needed to be repaired. It was running super slow. When we got to Conner the bus in front of us was stopped and the driver came back and offered to take our bus passengers that were stopping along Gratiot and she could proceed with the passengers that were headed right downtown. The driver stated that at this point it didn't matter as we were already close to downtown. Our driver also said to the other driver that she called SMART when she was 10 minutes out to request a better bus but didn't get a response. Whomever made the decision at the office was not thinking of their passengers because the lack of a decent bus made everyone late. This type of issue happens frequently with SMART. How is that for poor service?
Bus rides = entertainment


Anonymous said...

Talk about renaming----Seems more like the Rosa Parks Transit Off Center. The Transit Center does not service the busiest routes. What is that all about?

Anonymous said...

Agreed... Do you read The Onion? I thought you might think this is hilarious. "Man Running After Bus Delights Bus Occupants"