The bus ride home last evening was interesting. I had stayed late at work and took a 7:55 p.m. bus which was quite empty. A few miles up we picked up a real drunk old man who reeked of beer and stumbled with his fare and then to his seat. All I can say is thankfully he wasn't driving. We picked up another old man who was having difficulty with his transfer - it wouldn't scan. The driver asked to see the transfer and declared that this is September and your transfer is from August. He proceeded to dig around in his pockets and his wallet but didn't come up with a fare so the driver stopped to let him off. She received a phone call so didn't take off right away and wouldn't you know it the old man came back on with another transfer. A what do you think happened? It too was expired and he exited the bus. Another passenger and I chuckled at this little display and he exclaimed, "I want to know why he keeps all those old transfers?" All I can think of was that this man suffered from transfer hoarding syndrome.
Bus rides = entertainment. Patrick.
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