Last summer on the way home from work I boarded the bus which was standing room only. I was standing with another woman at the rear door and leaned against the wall expecting to ride the 20 to 30 minutes home standing. It was quite noisy on the bus with all the regular people chatting about everything under the sun. I made some small talk with the woman I was sharing the aisle with but kept hearing a woman at the back of the bus shouting, "Kevin" over and over and over. I paid little attention but thought to myself why is Kevin not responding to this woman. If I could hear her he should be able to hear her as well. I finally turned around to check out the situation and a regular rider waved to us saying there were seats in the very back. I offered the lady first choice and followed her to the back. I asked her if she was calling me and she responded yes. I smiled and said that's great but my name isn't Kevin it's Patrick. Her quick response was, "well I knew it was something Irish", which elicited a roar of laughter from several folks at the back of the bus. She wasn't to happy about the laughter but I assured her it was fine and I thought it was hilarious. The woman no longer rides the bus downtown but I will always remember her for this bit of comedy.
To this day I still get teased about being called Kevin. A few of the regular riders jokingly call me Kevin as I was reminded of this past Monday by a regular who pointed out a seat at the rear next to her.
Bus rides = entertainment. Patrick
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