Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tried To Be Early... Really

This past Tuesday I actually woke without hitting the snooze several times and proceeded to get ready for my day in the usual fashion.  I was on a roll out the door into the cooler than I'm used to morning air and on my way to the 1/2 mile bus stop.  I was early enough to catch the last limited bus downtown and with time to spare.  I waited, watching the horizon and the multitude of vehicles passing by.  I spotted the bus about a half mile away and reached for my wallet to get my bus card. WHAT?! No wallet? You got to be kidding! No wallet means no taking the bus. So in a pissed off at myself mood I trotted home to fetch the wallet and take the next bus.  So much for being early that morning.
bus rides = entertainment.

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