While traveling in to Detroit several days ago this young man had an epiphany right before we reached Six Mile/McNichols. He asked, "are we heading to Detroit ?", at the same time he knew his answer was yes indeed we were. He was pissed at himself and cussing then proceeded to ask everyone within earshot if they had money for a fare back up Gratiot. No one offered but one woman said he should get a transfer to which he replied a transfer wouldn't work. He signalled to get off all the while verbally and visibly angry with himself. He got off the bus and exploded in a rage on the sidewalk even throwing his backpack against the wall of the store we were in front of. I felt sorry for this guy at that moment because he was clearly stuck. I've been angry with myself over stupid mistakes before and in this busy world it's easy to get distracted and get on the wrong bus. When I first started taking the bus to work I got on the wrong bus going home and realized it too late. I eventually made it home in a long, round-about way during a rain storm but it was my own fault. So I can relate to this guys anger and frustration and if I had the cash on me would have offered it to him.
bus rides = entertainment